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We've got loads on our website on what an RTIC is (#1, #2) but essentially it's an industrial classification made up of industry verticals. We use our taxonomy based process to build them and we verify our methods/results using sector experts. We built our RTICs and they are available to all of our users on the platform. Each RTIC comes with a definition and taxonomy to ensure they go through the same process. They are built in real time hence the name!
The SICs filter is composed of Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes of economic activities (2007). These are used to classify businesses by the type of economic activity in which they are engaged.
The SIC sections filter is composed of sections where similar SIC codes are grouped together.
The Category filter consists of company categories as defined on Companies House
The cities filter consists of UK functional urban areas (FUA) as defined by the OECD. An FUA is composed of a core city and its communting zone.
The local authorities (LA) filter is composed of local authority districts (April 2020) of the United Kingdom.
The regions filter is comprised of UK NUTS1 regions.
The constituencies filter is comprised of UK parliamentary constituencies.
The LEPs filter is comprised of the Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) of England. LEPs are partnerships between local authorities and local private sector businesses.
The parent nation filter enables filtering by the nationality of a company's ultimate parent. This is available where we have data on company group structure.
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